Thursday, March 19, 2009

I'm baaaack!

I have neglected this space badly, and will try to do better in the future.
I am so glad that winter is finally over. It was such a cold winter. I usually like the winter, but this is the first one I can honestly say that I didn't enjoy very much. Is this a sign of how cold it was or am I getting old????
Most of the animals wintered very well. I did lose a couple of old friends in the animal world. Both of them were goats. Little Blossom wasn't feeling good for a while, but she was getting old and she just went to sleep. Then Penelope (aka Nanny) our dear old lady also just went to sleep, she really hadn't been ill, she ate good the night before. She was an unbelievable fourteen.
Otherwise, life has been good. Did a bit of writing and a bit of painting, some reading and some visiting with friends. Took a glass etching class. It was interesting, would like to learn more about it.
Christmas is always a pleasure, now that there are more small children in the family, it is really interesting. Christmas and kids are a great mix. Sort of like Spring and foals are a great mix. Am expecting two babies this spring. They always amuse me to no end.
Yes, life is good and I will be adding my thoughts a lot more often cause I'm baaaack!