Sunday, November 16, 2008

Lost is Found

I was really worried a few days ago, I went out to count noses and I was missing a horse. Kinder, to be exact. I thought at first that she might just be in the bush, but when she still wasn't there the second day, and her horsy friend Jinx was there and she wasn't, I just thought the worst. I tramped the bushes then, but no luck. I purposely didn't walk the creek because I was afraid if she had gone through the ice, I knew she would be dead.
I went over to the neighbours, and he offered to come and walk the creek with me. I think they were afraid I would fall in the creek as well.
Anyway, I was just about done walking my portion of the creek when I heard the horn honking, out agreed upon signal that she had been found. I hated to walk up to the truck, but I was asured that she was fine. She had gone through the ice, but she had managed to get to the other side. We drove around and after I gave her a big hug, I sure gave her heck for scaring me. It was getting to dark to come back to pick her up so we waited until the next day and got her and brought her home.
Today I put up my no hunting signs, I just live in terror through hunting season. I am so afraid one of my horses will get the bullet. It wouldn't be the first time, so I am on pins and needles through the hunting season. I know most hunters are responsible people, its the few that have me worried. I will be so glad when its over.

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